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Courses in 2025
Intro to Thai Tok Sen massage*
Saturday 29 March 2025
Intro to Korean Hand Therapy *
Sunday 30 March 2025
Recorded Courses
Interpreting the zangfu 臟腑 organs
of Chinese Medicine*
learn about the Chinese characters which form a semantic cloud around each organ
- a great way to deepen your understanding of organ functions
An afternoon with a Jiao*
look at the tripartite division of the trunk - and learn more about acupoints in each jiao
Twenty four Solar fortnights*
these 12 separate 2 hour recordings are applicable to one month or a full year - including astronomy, astrology, food, ceremonies, acupuncture channels, acupoints, seasonal exercises and more
*open to students or anyone with an interest in this area *
The 24 solar fortnights, ershisi jieqi 二十四節氣, are loosely based on the monthly ordinances, yueling 月令, first described in the Book of Rites, Liji 禮記 which corresponds to the astronomy of approximately 620 BCE. The twenty- four solar fortnights in total are 360 days, and this is a break down of the effect of the sun’s heat on earth over the course of a year, a giant circle of 360 degrees. One complete cycle of the earth around the sun is one year, 360 in days and degrees, time and space. Tracing the cycle of the sun, taiyang 太陽, and its effect on humans, is to follow the cycle of the seasons, to maintain optimal health.
春生, 夏長, 秋收, 冬藏, 是氣之常也, 人亦應之
Spring engenders, summer flourishes, autumn harvests and winter stores.
This is the constant of qi and humans also resonate with it. Lingshu 44
This agricultural calendar has been in use for millenia and includes a variety of festivals and special events. The twenty-four solar nodes each describe the specific qualities of the breaths/qi of Heaven and Earth (changes in climate, natural phenomena, farming) which are reflected in the human body.
Feedback from previous participants:
"I signed up for the Solar Fortnight lectures because I was drawn to Chinese medicine and the seasonal nature of treatments and I wanted an overview to link things together. I found the course to be relevant, even though I’m very new to this area of study (I’m an undergraduate acupuncture student). The course covers cultural, floral, nutritional and points not in my handbook with seasonal context. I enjoyed the mixture of myth, extracts from classics and explanation of diagrams used to slice up the seasons. I can’t say I understood it all and I’m glad to have access to the videos in future to watch as the seasons roll through again next year. I certainly grew a heightened sensitivity to the change in the weather and my garden, which has influenced treatment choices of Chinese doctors for millennia. I was delighted to have an opportunity to try out some of the unusual treatments suggested and I had a very good response to them. A course well worth studying for both working acupuncturists and anyone interested in the lifestyle recommendations of Chinese medicine. "
“This CPD created so many links that has given me a better understanding of Chinese medicine and how it flows, therefore giving me a better understanding of how to diagnose and treat. Very good teacher.”
“Fascinating content and engaging and lively teaching; incredible depth of knowledge. An extremely interesting and well taught course that deepens the understanding of the Chinese medicine approach to the internal organs. Best taught in 3 separate days as it covers a very wide and deep knowledge of the subject.”
“An inspired and amazing teacher who deepens your knowledge and understanding”.
Every month, we will discuss two of the 24 solar fortnights relevant to the month, looking at the meaning of the terms, what were the suggested actions to be in tune with that quality of qi, including food, exercises, and the relevant acupuncture channels. By following the jieqi 節氣, we align ourselves with the cosmic energies and so can be more effective in our own life and in our ability to help our patients.
Follow this link for Deborah's short introduction to this course.
These are recordings of the monthly Solar fortnights sessions, each of approximately 2 hours.
Click here to purchase the audio & video recordings of the solar fortnights: these are available as 12 individual 2 hr recordings, one for each month of the year.
About your tutor: Deborah Woolf
Deborah is passionate about Classical Chinese medicine, and has taught Chinese Medicine, Philosophy and practical skills for almost twenty years at the International College of Chinese Medicine. She combines her teaching with a very busy clinic, applying her understanding of the Classics in the practical realm. Her studies strengthen her clinical practice, and the clinical experience is a valuable tool and focus for her studies. A lively and inspiring teacher, Deborah's knowledge and love of the Chinese language enables direct interpretation for practitioners of Chinese Medicine.
Deborah studies and translates Classical Chinese medical texts, with a particular interest in the background and roots of Stems and Branches, divination and calendars, astronomy and astrology. Her undergraduate dissertation was on spirals and their applications in acupuncture, drawing on her earlier studies in pure mathematics and nature.
She has extended her Stem and Branches understanding with further study with many great teachers including Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée and Dr. Ed Neal (Neijing acupuncture). She is a keen student who is often seen at CPD events.
She has completed an MA at University College London, with a dissertation on numbers and divination in Chinese Medicine and is currently studying for her PhD.